Cameo Best Kept Secret - Structured Expressions Fundamentals - Advanced
When 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Location: Carsen 1

Presenter:  Zilvinas Strolia
Co-Presenter: Thomas Marchand

This session is aimed at seasoned Cameo/CATIA Magic users who are eager to refine their mastery of the structured expression feature. Designed to expand your capabilities, this tutorial delves into advanced structured expression querying techniques for extracting and analyzing model data. In the session we will explore how structured expressions integrate with tool features, including validation rules, smart packages, derived properties and more, to enhance model analysis and workflow efficiency.

Tutorial participants should possess a strong knowledge of UML and SysML terminology, a solid understanding of languages meta-models, prior experience of utilizing structured expressions, and a basic proficiency in scripting to navigate more complex tasks.

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