Saulius Pavalkis
Saulius Pavalkis is the Global MBSE EcoSystem Director at Dassault Systemes, MBSE R&D Cyber Portfolio Manager – NAM. He has 20 years of MBSE adoption experience in MBSE ecosystem, digital engineering, system architecture and simulation as Cameo co-creator and consultant. He is on the CSE Board of Advisors the University of Texas at Arlington. He received the INCOSE ESEP, OMG OCSMP, No Magic lifetime modeling and simulation excellence award. He holds a PhD in Software engineering in models queries, and is the owner and main contributor to the largest MBSE Execution YouTube community with 5300 members, and is also the public MBSE community owner at Dassault Systemes - Saulius contributed to the MBSE SysML based method and framework MagicGrid book and recent "Agile MBSE Cookbook" book by Bruce Douglas.