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Sanford Friedenthal
SAF Consulting

Sanford Friedenthal is an industry leader and independent consultant in model-based systems engineering (MBSE). He was formerly a Technical Fellow at Lockheed Martin, where he led the effort to enable Model-Based Systems Development (MBSD) and other advanced practices across the company. Mr. Friedenthal has been a leader of the industry standards effort through the Object Management Group (OMG) and INCOSE to develop the Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML ®) that was adopted by the OMG in 2006. He is co-author of ‘A Practical Guide to SysML’ and ‘Architecting Spacecraft with SysML’. Mr. Friedenthal more recently co-led the effort to develop the next generation of SysML (v2) and now co-chairs the OMG Systems Modeling Community (SMC).