Manas Bajaj
Dr. Bajaj is the Chief Systems Officer at Intercax, where he leads product development and research, including the Syndeia digital thread platform. Dr. Bajaj has more than 20 years of experience in MBSE, PLM, ALM, Modeling and Simulation, Open Standards and APIs, leading projects with both DoD and commercial customers. Dr. Bajaj is the Co-Chair of the Systems Modeling API and Services 1.0 FTF at OMG and part of the leadership team for SysML v2. He was also a contributor to SysML v1 standard and an author for the OCSMP certification program, as well as a contributor to ISO 10303-210 (STEP AP210) standard for electromechanical systems. Dr Bajaj earned his PhD and MS in Mechanical Engineering, focusing on CAD/CAE, from Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia.